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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Alternative State Of The Union

As you might expect - I have a different view of the current State of the Union than the President. To me, the USA government has become a bloated, runaway, disaster. We have a President who talks about a `freeze' on spending - only to find out that it really is a `freeze' in the future and only at 20% MORE than when taking office. Total horse manure.

We have a government totally out of touch with economic reality - and the economic reality of the bulk of it's citizens. With the refusal, by politicians, one day before the State of the Union address, to have a commission on the government debt that may bankrupt the country in less than a decade. Politicians who care WAY more for themselves than the country. Total horse manure.

All this dour economic news while the big time media leads a cheerleading effort telling us it isn't so. That things are getting better. Talking continually of new jobs while millions become unemployed. Acting like folks are not ready to throw out EVERY member of congress (as some polls have shown). NEVER featuring Libertarians or independents who have run in the past such as John Anderson or Ross Perot. A media that is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government policies of the two parties. Total horse manure.

We have a President elected on bringing the defense budget under control via ending our foreign conflicts - leading us into a new increased war with no real justification or reward if we are successful. We have troops in more countries than any other country on Earth - spending 10 times as much on `defense' as the next highest country spends. Being the leading EXporter of `weapons' on the planet. With politicians bought by big business contracts and the media bought by the politicians. Total horse manure.

We have corporations making the difference larger between the haves and have nots - to go to a level once thought impossible, by increasing the payment to the top people -- as if they are not replaceable. No longer does a CEO make 40 times the normal worker -- only 400 times the pay of the peons will work in the 2000's. While at the same time government decreased those same top earners tax levels via the Bush `cuts'; regardless of its effects on the Federal Deficit. Total horse manure.

We have a failed decades long war on drugs - that the government doesn't admit to - regardless if it has already busted the once proud black society of America. Regardless if it limits rights via all the methods the drug war has been conducted against the citizens. Regardless if it has often been directed at pot, a drug much less damaging than the legal alcohol. All the while - the drug war supported by the pussywhipped big media who depends on a % of their money from political ads. Total horse manure.

And, do we even have to mention the Federal Government turning its head the other way while 10's of millions of illegals entered the country - and the governments refusal to do anything about it till this day? While the illegals, in general, use the federal services for free and fill the prisons? While the illegals make babies to change the very nature of our country while having no interest in even learning the native language? Beyond horse manure.

And, should I even mention a government that has promised `energy Independence' FOR DECADE AFTER DECADE - while sending billions upon billions of our dollars to governments who have no respect for human rights - instead of moving to our own natural gas for cars? With a car fleet that averages the same 25 mpg that the Model T did? Indeed, the very easiest thing for President Obama to have supported on Day one in office would have been the Pickens Plan - instead - we flounder for another year. Total horse manure.

Yes, this is an alternative view of the State Of The Union - is this closer to your view - or - is the point of view you hear via the media daily closer to your view?

Thought so.

I welcome your viewpoint.
And, two years later - nearly every word rings true!
Please use the `share buttons' to spread the alternative state of the union view - have any Facebook friends that think this way?
Have your barf bag close tonight for the real State Of The Union speech.
 Now HERE is an impressive book for your bookshelf.

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