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Monday, January 23, 2012

The 700th Post Of Barf Stew

Hello Barfsters - yes, 699 servings of this blog are on the internet simmering slowly in the global consciousness as I cast the words for the 700th installment. It's been quite a show hasn't it? I'd love to have you check in via the comments today for some feedback.
Enough of ceremonies. --------- And, as Barfsters know, BS is a pretty open to anything place as shown by the search terms that sent folks to BS in the last two hours: airplane football pics 2 film links site 2 cameltoe 2012 1 russian hunter 1 sexy illusions 1.
No, I don't have any Bikini wearing Russian girls in football helmets holding guns. But I will look.
Okay what's the best barf that I found for Barfsters today? Has to be this story about our fabulous multi-decade Drug War (the war on alternative consciousness) - Undercover Cop Sells Drugs To Undercover Cop - hilarious and worthless system. The result of making the wrong policy choices decades ago.
And, BS must salute the Sexy Side of course for the 700th post  - as the sexy, sometimes sleazy side of BS is a favorite (well, tell me in the comments today if it is) - such as this Lovely Morsel Of A Teen - hubba hubba.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. Must be time for some `paraNormal' right? ---- Let's go the UFO route, such as Insights Into The Jerusalem Orb Event of Jan. 28th, 2011.
Oh, and along the same lines - I think I've found you the ultimate timewaster blog - a blog of bloglinks to `alternative' Thinking. BS blogfinds - one of the Good things about TBS. The Barf Stew.
Or, would the best timewaster of BS be the Slightly Sleazy Pictures? - dig into the archive for more of course.
Pictures are also a part of the newsblog that I occasionally update - Four pictures and a YouTube Video were part of the latest update. It's based on Reddit headlines.
Here's a highbrow video from the CATO Institute America Needs Money That Works - really? You mean not sitting in some bank account of the rich at 15% rate? Oh please.......
Yeah, near constant sarcasm is a main BS ingredient.
The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm: A Lexicon for Those of Us Who Are Better and Smarter Than the Rest of You
Early science fiction? Or humor? -- and with only 77 views?

The above video is enough of a reason to bookmark The Barf Stew - don't you think? Thanks.
Barfsters know that oldtime pictures and oldtime films like the one above are another spicy ingredient in the Stew - use the comment section to say what you think about this positioning of BS. Search the word `shorpy' in the google search box on this page for lots of oldtime pictures.
IF this is your first time here - please make sure to visit the entire page - especially the sidebar where you can find some GREAT links to other content of Barf Stew.  Thanks.
 - More about Sarcasm and the Language We Speak

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