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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Consciousness: The Black Hole of Neuroscience

Taking you from the extreme sleaze to the extreme read - that's the Barf Stew way. Today's post - heavy stuff not for lightweights; a tease:
Historians of philosophy have observed there was no ancient Greek word that corresponds to “consciousness," while the modern Western perspective on consciousness seems to have been developed during the Reformation era - the age of “I think, therefore I am,” and “To be or not to be.” (Hamlet was written around 1600, and Rene Descartes’ Discourse on the Method was published in 1637.)
Trippy stuff - has anyone else heard that the word BLUE didn't happen in literature until a later date too? Consciousness - Black Hole.
Tease to sleaze - The Upskirting of College Girls by College Professor:

BS entertains.
MRH - updates about science, the occupy wall street crowd and Sexy Pictures.
See You Tomorrow.

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