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Friday, February 17, 2012

IS China Set To Reveal `Moon Structures'?

I became aware of this story via a MUFON man - and indeed, the video is somewhat convincing. That said, I don't buy the story behind it about China `outting' anything - and frankly am more convinced that `structure anomalies' are on Mars as opposed to the Moon. 8,000 folks have seen this video since Valentines Day:

Ready for the BS Sexy Mix? Busty Girl and Bursting Out. Barf Stew Entertains. Dig into the archive for more.
Oh, I found a real good timewaster for you - Mostly Ghosts a full range paraNormal site with lots to explore. Many pics, etc, and current links.
Ready to get mad about the politics in America? How about the `food nazi's' checking LUNCH bags? In a story that will raise your concerns, or should, find out how a girl was given Chicken Nuggets to replace her Turkey And Cheese Sandwich - Stewable.
BS does Politics.
Do you want an easy way to protest the system or the candidate you hate - easy - Use This Protest Manner.
And, a Sexy YouTube, to finish today's offerings off:

Barf Stew Entertains
Party Costume

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