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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Alien UFO Bikini Girl

I like to check the stats that Google provides to bloggers - especially the stats for `now' (which on Google is the last two hours) - because you find `funny' keywords that lead G to show one's blog in the search. So, instead of trying to remember Barf Stew -- from now on, just type Alien UFO Bikini Girl into the G for BS. Now, how about some bikini girls?
That is after some pretty serious `political humor' BS does Politics - picture two however Serious Underboob on the picture that comes up on Imgur for bikini.
Now, to take care of that UFO stuff - Pentagon Searches Words `Obama UFO major announcement' OR some variation of that, lol - and ends up at this UFO blog. Does the Pentagon know something and wants to get some word out?
Now to cover the ALIEN part today - how about some `very alien' behavior from 1940 - The Carnival In Rio - With a Parade of Men Wearing Skirts! Alien enough for you?
BTW, if you'd like to see another exception Shorpy pictures go to this link Great Shorpy Gallery
I updated MRH recently too - that's 125 Posts - Great `News' And `Picture' Links.
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