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Friday, March 23, 2012

Cannabis Vending Machine

The machine is at a NORML club in New Zealand Sells For 20 Dollars A Gram and is grown in `rural backblocks'. Interesting short read into where the police stand on pot as evidently NZ is one of the `highest' countries in % of smokers of the illicit product.
Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence
As Barfsters know, the sexy girl pictures are a main ingredient in the Stew - and at times BS shys away from the really edgy stuff that shows LOTS of skin - Like This Lovely Swimsuit Allows - OMG. OR, the sexiness that these Clubbing Girls are using as bait. Oh, if you are new to BS (barf stew) - you can catch more of the sexy pictures in nearly every post in the archive of over 700 posts.
Sex, Drugs - Time for Rock?


Barfsters know that the ParaNormal is also a big part of the entertainment broth at BS - to that end here's some great Ghost Pictures and an entertaining blog about such.
In almost the same lines - now called science - researchers have found out by studying over 150 captive Chimps that they teach their young to Communicate With Humans. Other science links including what is happening to the planet Jupiter's interior.
Speaking of Ghosts and of communicating in difficult circumstances - check out this time travel to 1938 - The Typical `Country Store' --------- but, look closely into the glass reflections, how many `Ghosts' do you see? (original size here is best for ghost viewing) (with comments)
Entertained yet? Bookmark so you can visit the archive this weekend.
Barfsters ask, --- where's the BS politics? The Don't Re-Nig BumperSticker in 2012. You might send this one to someone I bet.
MORE BS politics? Sure ------------ Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Major Cities - you know, it attracts rats and pigeons.
And now the Sexy Image to make sure the College boys in Illinois are hanging around to the near end -  Sexy imgur.
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