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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Survey Says: Should Prostitution Be Legalized - The Numbers

Barf Stew tackles a rarely discussed topic in the MSM - the broadbased legalization of `the act'. This poll, digs deeply into the squishyness in a whole new way - even looking at the issue by Household Income - Oh, btw, this is the same company I am linking to in the sidebar; you can use that link to sign up for real surveys that have real cash value. It takes time to accumulate the points and cash value, this is not a scam in any way.
You Come to BS for the Barf Stew mix - and a good paraNormal story is always of interest - Aunt Clara
So, that covers the politics and paranormal - must be time for the daily Sexy Girl Picture - Pinup Art That Kicks You In The Teeth - a classic.
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PinUp Art From Amazon

A real Panties Website - think Victorian style.
The ultimate conspiracy theory - about our President the invisible man.
And again, to make sure the Illinois college students are hanging around to the near end - an OMG Sexy Girl Picture - wow.
That's probably enough fun for one day - please check out our new affiliate for Unclaimed Cash in the sidebar. I honestly had my dad call me one day about 7 years ago about similar unclaimed money (usually old insurance stuff bought by old and dead grandparents for grandkids) - anyway, just takes a click.

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