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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bioluminescent Pterosaurs Over Lake Erie-And Elsewhere?

You never know what you might find on the Internet. The above headline is from a blogpost (of course) of someone who positions their blog and thoughts A Biblical Perspective on Science, Without Apology! . In the post the blogger does a fairly decent job of Barf Stewing some anomalous photos and videos into an idea worthy of your read. Hey, it's Sunday - you've got the time. The S8intcom Blogger. Yeah, BS would love some of that Pterosaurs meat for our stew. Amazing Blogroll too.

You say you come to BS for the Sexy Pictures? You are no fool. Here's another Russian offering - simply X the browser choice and then hit Green to prove you are over 18 to see this VERY hot -- non-nude, Down Blouse teaser. Or this sexy upskirt with White Panties In View of this beautiful young lady.
Meanwhile...... Robots are coming for your manual labor jobs - more good news on the labor front, right? Here's an intellectual read on a nearly forbidden subject - Robots interfering with the marketplace of employment. Robots Can DO Your Job Too - the Barf Stew of `advancement'. Here's a tease:

If, as these examples indicate, both pattern recognition and complex communication are now so amenable to automation, are any human skills immune? Do people have any sustainable comparative advantage as we head ever deeper into the second half of the chessboard? In the physical domain, it seems that we do for the time being. Humanoid robots are still quite primitive, with poor fine motor skills and a habit of falling down stairs. So it doesn’t appear that gardners and restaurant busboys are in danger of being replaced by machines any time soon.

Will we one day think of Robots as Aliens?
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