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Monday, April 30, 2012

Dubai Debtors Go on Hunger Strike

In Dubai, EACH bounced check can land you in the poky for THREE years; - how's that for Barf Stew! The detail are worth knowing so that you can throw `this custom' in the face of the next person you meet who would LOVE to go to Dubai. Dubai Hunger Strike - oh, the `strike' began about a week ago and other than this link - I've seen and heard nothing from our MSM that is ever so concerned about the small guy. Yeah right.
Remember our WORTHLESS MSM telling us that Romney won that all important Iowa Caucus? Then, AFTER giving Romney the momentum about two weeks later they told us that Santorum won the vote  - remember that? Well, guess WHO REALLY won Iowa - yes, the delegates, Ron Paul.

Here's the Family Income Chart that the MSM and the corporate citizens don't want you to see - Fairness Has Left The System- makes you want to go out and vote for your incumbent today, right? Barf Stew does politics.
After those gems - you deserve your beauty today. Sexy Party Dress and Bent Over Teen - dig into the weekend archive for more (hit the back button). Oh heck, One More Skinny Chick.
Makes the Illinois College men happy. (Hey men, spread the word about Barf Stew to other college buddies on other campuses).
22 Light Years (1 light year equals 25 or so trillion miles) away our science has found a Earth Double - well, not quite but it is in the habitable zone of the star. BS does science on occasion.
OK, one more - Oh, what she'd do in that back seat. Sexy teaser.
What's happening with UFOs in 2012? Glad You Asked!
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