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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1,436 Comments About An `Alien At The Window' Video

To Barf Stew, the `peeping tom alien' video of Stan Romanek, looks as real as the other `Area 51' aliens seen in other videos. Indeed, only Stan's long standing claim of `sightings' before this video (I believe) adds to its potential realness. Watch all the way thru and open your minds to the possible. 500K previous views. About a 3/1 pos/neg ratio of voting.

But, it's the comments about the above video that is of most interest IMO.

want to hear something freaky.... just as i watched this something threw a rock at my window from the back yard!!!!!
it takes a lot to scare me.. this fucking scared the shit outta me!
will not be sleeping ... luckily its 6 am and dawn is coming
Lol the dudes reaction made me laugh. Remember people they're different kinds of extraterrestrial the "Gray"(the one on this film) are not harmful there just fugitives and slaves from there own planet. No bs i know this by experience.
I just want to know one thing.There are actually people on this planet that believed this horse shit?
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