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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Entity `Flash' Visits Mall

This seems like a VERY valid `anomalous' video from a security camera in a mall. But, if you trace the `sourcing' it goes back to a `gathering site' with all kinds of crappola. So, Barfsters can decide for themselves.

It sure seems as if this is a temporary phenomena with a `being' inside, doesn't it? Also, check out this more than intelligent comment at the above vid:

Look into Greg Braden's research proving the correlation of emotion affecting DNA, DNA affecting reality. The proof that emotion is a frequency, fear being slow, love being fast. (Increasing your frequencies to become enlightened through love.) this will also demonstrate the effect emotion plays over evolution and development. Science understands that all matter is made up of consciousness, this is what we know as God. Wouldn't you like to know him/her aswell?

Got another HOT picture for you - Maneating MILF'S? (Bet you bookmark this one.)
As you know, Barf Stew strives to bring great content and entertainment for body and mind to these pages - and, you know we like to poke fun at things like The Endtimers and at the link, dated 10/29/11, you can almost feel the end-a' coming.
As  Barfsters know, there is NEVER any nudity on BS - never. Why would there be, right? Porn is all over the internet, you can fill up elsewhere on that - but at BS, the edge of sexy near R pictures is well part of the program. So, to that end, a very sexy girl awaits at this link, but first you will have to X the browser popup (asking you to download Chrome and such) and then you will have to click that you are over 18 to see this NON Nude Picture. Or, to see this growing up too fast Future Pole Dancer.
Occupy wall street? --- The MSM tells us it's dead? BS Gets Political - Do You?
Meanwhile...... Married Couple In Same Picture Decades Earlier - what a fun read. Stewable.
So, yesterday, Ron Paul ran out of money and stopped spending it - what a politician. Anyway, before you are tempted to vote for any incumbent, either Republinut Or Democrap - take this economic analysis of how the parties have done at handling our money over the Last 40 Years. A tease:
On several occasions, I have glibly referred to how it now takes two spouses working to equal the wages of a one-income family of 40 years ago. Unfortunately, that is now an understatement. In fact, Western wages have plummeted so low that a two-income family is now (on average) 15% poorer than a one-income family of 40 years ago
Yes, this is a super post today - as all bins are overflowing.
MORE beauty. Sexy Teen and Transparent Dress - Oh those Russians.
Haven't touched on UFOs yet - how about a book on the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident? - Pretty good read.
Here's some encouraging news - 22% Of USA thinks World Will End Within Their Lifetime. Only 6% of the French do.
Interesting read. Barf or Stew?
Let's say it doesn't END, but that the food supply and world commerce crashes - do you want to be tagged to line up for your ration? OR, do you want to be eating gourmet while the system gets up and running again?
398164_Food Insurance

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