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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Are UFO Debunkers Old School?

Recently, Joe Capp put up another post on his UFO blog. He makes a number of points in his post, some of which I agree with, others I don't. Of course.

First, his post is here - UFO Debunkers Are Old School - it's worth the read, (ignore the typos). A tease or two:
All of us who have experienced UFOs up close know there is something not human here. They are not demons in my book because they could just as much inspire a believe in the Christian God. "And thee will be signs in the heavens..."
 The UFO belief factor is up.....
 I find it funny now what debunkers say. They are really sick and have no seance of objective thinking.


I'd take exception with the above to a degree. As a UFO 
saucer observer too - I would Not rule out that the 
phenomena is human, possibly. I also do not know if the 
observation of one is any inspiration for a God belief IMO. I also do not believe the UFO belief is up, indeed, to the contrary - I think it is slightly waning with the `Disclosure' statement last year by our government. Debunkers IMO are useful but generally offbase.


Time for today's sexy pictures? Sure - Extreme D Cup Hottie and Could Be Here Blonde Sister. Hubba Hubba.

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