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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


As Barfsters know, BS doesn't dig into movie trailers very often as our headline or first serving - but, this fits into BOTH the sleazy side of BS and the political side (in a way). The idea is that PORN can unleash evil spaces. (You mean like governments?)

Hattip -
Meanwhile....... the bond crisis is beginning..... here and everywhere and for a variety of reasons all caused by over promising politicians. In this new twist Declining Tobacco Sales Are A Hidden Reason. BS politics.
So, we've touched on politics and paranormal and now for the P - the pictures of beauty. LOL. Lovely Public Ass - bookmarkable for sure. Here's some Beautiful Beach Frills that I expect you will love. And, finally, the Real Reason You Go To The Beach.
BTW, the archive is loaded with great pictures such as the one immediately above.
BS loves the activists against the system on nearly all levels. Here's one example of how a 9 year old ----- started a blog ----- about the horrible lunches she was being served at her school. And guess what happened after just Five Blog Posts? - Barfsters have to see the pictures she would take with a camera of the food at school and post to her blog. Could 9 year old's be the next terrorists the country has to watch?
Here's the best video of a TANK EXPLOSION that I have ever seen. Well worth the 48 Seconds; indeed, I bet you RE-watch this one.
Ready for more beauty? Asian Model in tiny clothing of course.  And, please, make sure to have a nice bright Perky day.
Did you know that Penn Jillette has a political website? Penn Sunday School - cutting libertarian thinking that the MSM doesn't know what to do with.
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