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Monday, June 18, 2012

Farmer blames heat rays for cows' deaths

So, does Werner Bock of New Brunswick ignore his cows to the point of maltreatment? Or,.............. are heat rays from above responsible? 

It's the Barfsters call on This BS.
Speaking of UFO-Nuts - I found this stupid blog with all of 12 Lifetime Page Views About UFO Nuts the other day. Stupid enough to be funny IMO.
Hey, if you are really into Strange UFO stuff this Monday morning - why not go to the website of the same name Strange UFO Videos - where they have dozens of strange YouTube UFO videos.
You've entered the comics section - Theory Of DUH - BS political humor.
You here for the Girly Pics?OMG.
We're doing the UFO thing today if you haven't noticed..... Adventures Of An Earthling

Is it true that anything at a 1000 frames a second is cool?

The Stephenville Texas UFO Events of 2008 forced a showdown between the press and the official `line' about UFOs. The government eventually issued a nearly absurd explanation for what the residents of Stephenville saw that day. Find out more by clicking the Kindle Bookcover below.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Barfsters!
    It is high time, that you all start paying attention, what a Farmer has been saying all along, when he tried to warn you folks about the new breed of criminals among us. They have been getting away with the most heineous crimes now for decades, and most of you have been swallowing their lies, and ganging up on the victims. Google: Maritime Troubles 50 megs, website, 75min documentary in four parts, "Farmers Ordeal". Take the time to watch it and you will realize, who is in Outer Space, and it shure isnt me. The Alien crap came from the Rotten Canadian Mounted Police, lying veterinarians, Federal and Provincial government officials and politicians in high and low places, the "Iconic CBC", "THE venerable Huffington Post(their zionist jewish ratpack) and last but not least the criminals, who did the dastardly coward and despicable crimes. You are running out of tradititional farmers. Enjoy your Monsanto special under your Chemtrail Umbrellars and all the other
    pleasentries the Frankensteins are cooking up for you. I can be reached at 506 756 8687.
    Werner Bock


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