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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Debt Collectors Cash In as Students Struggle to Repay Loans In The Obama Recovery

As most folks know based on surveys that clearly indicate the nation is on the `wrong track' - the Obama Recovery does have its bright spots. And, the booming segment of employment for debt collectors for government sponsored debt is a great legacy to leave our children. And, as the Article Says it never goes away. And, you might want to read about what a dismal failure the latest program about the student debt is already becoming.
How about a 1934 Depression Era Cartoon to stir your senses? BS does politics. Oh, that's right, the MSM has declared us in recovery for YEARS already.
Speaking of cartoons - could this beauty Be Your Assistant?  perhaps wave in some traffic to your store? More hotties in the archives. IF you see big blank spaces on this page it is being banned by google - a bit over the edge even when a PG rating.
BS entertains. You can share us on your facebook page with the share buttons below you know.
If you like to enjoy the best of UFO blogging in 2012 you must see this site which only has the 2012 UFO Stuff - Videos, Pictures And Analysis.
A part of 9-11-2001 that you've never heard about may be very important at a level that is amazing!


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