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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Without Manipulation The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 11.2%

As nearly always happens, Rick Santelli nails more truth in one minute, than you will find watching a month of the evening news:

Sickening, right?
Ever notice how Sexting is not a big topic anymore? Wonder why? Could it be that the `retail censors' that everyone used to have to use for film development simply do NOT exist anymore, and that took a few years for that fact to sink into the consciousness of the world? 

Isn't it logical that when the proliferation of cameras happened and that the pictures no longer had to go anywhere to be `developed' would indeed `cause' a new breed of `pictures' to become available? Especially when it involves teenagers?

Or, is it that teenage girls are simply that much more sleazy than in yesteryear? (Unlikely) Nonetheless, the removal of needing to `develop' film has developed a slippery slope, with developing women, as they and their friends are seemingly the source of each of these photos for your enjoyment. Busty Braces and Hot Sexy Teens. Need some more? Wet Panties Upskirt. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. (there is never nudity on BS)
Title this one - Bongs in Prison. With a 7/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, he had murdered a cop.

I don't think you will forget this Sexy White Top and might even bookmark it. Like the pictures on BS? You could spend the rest of the day looking at them via the archives. How about 5 young teens looking like future Pole Dancers? Why do I have a feeling these are all MOM approved.
NASA scientist finds that 6% of drivers are Sadists? (All kinds of logic flaws here but it is an interesting read.)
As you can tell, you win when BS clears out its files. Like this Cameltoe Beauty and on this one you will have to swear to be over 18 before they will allow you to see a non-nude Downblouse Photo or the Sexy Legs of this chick.
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Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff)

The 14% UFO Myth And Other UFOlogy Essays

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)

Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

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