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Friday, September 28, 2012

The Joke Is - What's The Difference Between The US Economic Situation And Greece

And the punch line is `about Six Years'. 

Cause, as everyone knows with half a brain - the day the world currency the US Dollar is displaced, and interest rates rise to even 4 or 5 percent - which literally could happen overnight somenight - even if it's six years from now - is the end of the ballgame. Totally. Seriously.

Then, most likely we'd see the breakdown of the marketing system as the money system crashes. Would panic be even weeks? How quickly would an `on-time' marketing system be able to deal with a surge of hoarding? IF staples weren't available in Walmart for even a week - what then?

Oh, on all local interstate signs in Atlanta they have been admonishing `September is Preparedness Month' - and to be prepared and to make plans. Do they know something? Prepared for WHAT?
Perhaps for When The Shit Hits The Fan? - Scary video about what it might really be like.
Why is it the MSM while worshiping the `sacrifices' our military make to protect our `freedom' - doesn't ever mention that many join because of having no jobs in their area. Of having no opportunity. And, why, honestly, should ANYONE have an advantage for ANY job over another (the MSM taking up the task of positioning unemployed military as a positive) in this economy? Is everyone afraid to mention that the US exports war and weapons as part of our `commerce'? How often is that point of view offered on TV? Or that we need to shift from spending on the military protecting us to investing in our local economies? Or, do we NEVER hear that point of view due to the two party system that feeds the MSM endless free advertising bucks?
Does the big money control the VIX indexes?
The October surprise.
Oh, that's right - you are here for the Sexy Women Pictures - make sure to hit the + on this one. And, here is another Hottie. Want more? Dig into the archive.
From the glimmer of hope category - New Hampshire Jury Nullifies Felony Pot Charge - A Rastafarian.
Speaking of Pot - an Op-Ed piece in the NYT's actually supports the idea that one might `parent better' if one is a Toker
Who wouldn't like to have These sitting across from you at a dinner party?

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