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Monday, October 1, 2012

Mainstream Media Whores SWIM In Political Bucks For Advertising

And, of course, not one mention of the policies of third party candidates. And, of course, we certainly can't expect a real check of the BS of the candidates when the dollars they give to the TV stations and beyond is needed for the bottom line of the media - can we? They are whores being paid for their silence on anything the candidates don't want to discuss.
But, then again, when YOU come to BS - it's the Pictures of Sexy Girls With Huge Breasts that you come to see - right? (make sure to hit the + on the previous picture to upsize).
What IF every person on Earth used a Laser Pointer and pointed it at the Moon - would it Change Color? - An amazingly detailed response.
How about an UFO video for the start of October? Is it some sophisticated `light show' seen from a distance? Or, something similar to the famous Phoenix Lights of 1997? Happened supposedly last week - about 5,000 views and a strong Positive to Negative ratio of opinions:

But, you are here for the Sexy Non Nude Chicks - right?

Real Canadian UFO Blog - worthy of your investigation.
Make sure to enlarge this Busty Beauty - want more (?) dig into the archive.
At this link you can find over 25 UFO pictures taken in 2012.
Please support our sponsors on this page.

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