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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A `BioAPI'?

So, I ran across this grand grand conspiracy site earlier in the year and thought that now, near 12-21-12, would be a good time for Barfsters to enjoy a bit of stew, stir with concern.

Anyway, this is so grand, it appears that EVERYTHING is controlled by the man; - sound scary enough? Good - go, Explore Yourself (pun intended) if you dare. The Slippery Slope. The Chemtrail Page On The Same Site.
What Big Brother doesn't want you to know - but you do. BS does Politics. Oh, BTW, Harvard finally approved that Campus BDSM Club, finally. And, in other campus news, see below.
But, you are here for the sights - like Sexy School Girl Outfits, right? And, the grown up Sexy Business Woman Look too. Finally for this set - can there be such a thing as Indecent Exposure at the beach? BS Entertains.
Ready for a further education?
BS greases it.
The moment Travis Walton failed a lie detector test on Live TV about the alien abduction. And some interesting sidenotes.
What's the latest Obama claim you say? How about just this week - GOP Woman Says Brain Fried By Drugs....... as the politicians begin to speak up about drugs once again .....for votes.
Remember, the hypnotized only do what they would be comfortable doing......... sexy sleaze.... erotic hypnosis.
Barfsters know that BS has a paranormal side too - like this recent capture by the security cam that seems to show a Human Ghost Entity - weird.
Entertained yet? Now you will be Feeding Bears, probably not a good idea........... BS `Humor' Entertains.
Ready to say Yowser one more time?
Have you thought seriously what you would do IF the `system' went down? How quickly would YOU wish you had a reserve of Freeze Dried Food? Check out the BS Affiliate below:

Freeze Dried Food - For Emergencies (all types of plans available)

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