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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Homeless Youth

Barf Stew has been keenly following the supposed `recovery' from the Great Recession. The worthless media has been reporting the end of the GR since 2009 - perhaps for the extremely wealthy. Everyone else knows that NOTHING has improved at all - now with millions more empty homes and more and more of the nations youth in a worse position than any other younger generation. More Youth In Streets in 2012.
Meanwhile, the worthless politicians keep playing on the Fiscal Cliff - wasting TRILLIONs on bombs and military force over just the last decade. And NO ONE is saying that those that build bombs for a living in America - or - build drones - should go look for REAL WORK. Oh, that's right - we are being kept SAFE. Right. Say that to the HUNDREDS of `collateral damage' (read human deaths) caused by our leaders usage of Drones on `targets'.
Seems that Google is not happy with BS anymore and has slapped us once again. Nonetheless, BS will push ahead in 2013 with Sexy Women, ParaNormal links and more disgusting politics and political opinion.Please show your support for BS during this latest Goggle slap. Thanks.
So, as far as sexy women - how about this Sexy String Bikini or how about this Ankle Tattoo? You were looking at the tattoo, right? And, this was one man's lucky gift picture from his Girlfriend.
Have you heard about the Skinwalker Ranch? Here's a BS tale, perhaps, of the 2004 Monsters Story - were people killed?

Speaking of WORTHLESS drone builders - especially those building drones to spy on Americans - did you know that some are saying that they are building Tiny Drones that will hover over your home and Rape Your Mind? - Don't you think that people who make such things should be in JAIL?
Cool Entertainment - Barf Stew

More sexy women? Who knew that white Kneesox could look so HOT! - or Recycled Jeans? ...... Finally, a young sexy Jailbait Girl. Now, send BS to a buddy to help build our audience 
Check out this E-Book for 1.69
Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)

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