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Thursday, February 14, 2013

`Loan Modification' Lets FRAUDSTER BANKS Off The Hook

I crack up when I hear the MSM talk about the `financial crisis' of 2008; as not everyone has forgotten how we got to that point. As I see it, the FRAUDSTER Bankers played a ponzi scheme and got caught. Millions upon millions of folks were taken in by the ponzi scheme - in which the big banks bought up the fraudulent loans to sell `securities' to make even more fraudulent money. And on and on.

So, they NOW come along and want to make things right? You have got to be kidding me? These are fraudster bankers WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE LEGITIMATE LOANS - MOST OF THEM DON'T EVEN HAVE THE MORTGAGE NOTE - WHICH IS REQUIRED TO `COLLECT' ON THE LOAN. 

Isn't that robbery? Again!

So, in my opinion - the ONLY thing that Loan Modification is - IS A WAY FOR THE FRAUDSTER BANKS TO suddenly have legitimate loans on their books ------------ instead of WORTHLESS paper with lists of loans and loan addresses - that HAVE NO MORTGAGE NOTE AND NO VALUE. 

The banks IMO want to CREATE legitimate loans - they don't HAVE REAL loans to even modify. But, as they know, most folks don't have the 1000's it takes to get them to admit they HAVE NO LOAN THAT ISN'T A FRAUD ON YOUR HOME. And, meanwhile, every dollar they take in IS FRAUDULENT. 

So, the next time you hear the talking heads - the government spokespeople in the news - remember that Mortgage Modification is NOT ultimately for your benefit in any manner - it is for the Fraudster Bankers and no one else. So, maybe, the next time you hear the talking heads wondering why more folks aren't doing the modification - perhaps it's that they don't want to help FRAUDSTERS...................... what barf!
Your opinion?

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