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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Those Mortgage Free States

As is well known but totally unspoken about by the mainstream media - IS - that thousands and thousands of folks live in states where they haven't made a mortgage payment IN YEARS - but, simply remain in the homes. Just part of the `fairness' involved in the `housing crisis' brought on and bought and paid for by the big banks. The Fraudsters. Anyway, read all about those smart folks who live in homes TOTALLY FREE While DUPES Like You Continue To Pay The Fraudsters during the Obama Recovery.
Did you know that you can BORROW Amazon Kindle Books? And guess where you can borrow them from? The Library. Here's how to get started borrowing Kindle Books - why not BORROW one of my books? My Books.
Of course, many of you are here for the sexy pictures of women who want to be seen - like this Sexy Self-Shot and this Undies Outside Shot. Only one group of ladies looks like this - Sorority Hotties.
BS Entertains, as you know....... like a good read about how it's finally official An Asteroid Killed Off The Dinosaurs. If you liked this story,..... make sure to read my `science blog' too. Such as links about How Close The Nearest `Earth-like' Planet May Be using real statistics based on observations. Or, how Quantum Gas Has Archived BELOW Absolute Zero In Temperature - worth a click.
When you ask what's next - does your mind run to Sensual Cyborgs?
Speaking of sensual - I call this the One Purpose Dress - what do you think is her purpose? 
BS Entertains.
Kill You Parents - Ambien Walrus
Cut Off Your Hair - Ambien Walrus
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Eat All The Cookies and Go For a Drive - Ambien Walrus
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More of the Ambien Walrus

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