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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Senator Dominicci `F'ed' Colleagues Daughter

Unbelievable. You're 50, a `conservative catholic' SENATOR for America - and you F..K the `other' Senators DAUGHTER? Who is 24? And then 34 years later have the NERVE to suggest that they were NEVER compromised in ANY manner? ........... And there's a bridge for sale in NYC too. Read all about IT here. Oh, here's two priceless comments from the `citizens':

He wanted to protect HER. He always wanted to tell his Republicon base that he had a love child, but that would have hurt her carreer as his lover. How many abortions has he paid for?
Or, this one:
  • mrk
  • Rank 5
Dominici was and is such a good family values Roman Catholic RepubliCon. I guess having nine children in his holy marriage to his wife Nancy did not contain enough sexual activity for this wonderful virile man of "valor."
YES, Barf Stew still does UFO videos:

We continue the barf stew with Are Those Triple D's? (so hot) - or this reason to worship the Gods for their sense of Beauty (wow)..... Speaking of D's ...... below are fictional pixels of'll see..............
The amazing Larry Hagman:
Hagman told the Times that after death he wanted his remains to be "spread over a field and have marijuana and wheat planted and harvest it in a couple of years and then have a big marijuana cake, enough for 200 to 300 people. People would eat a little of Larry."

And, at the CNBC link find out who turned him on to LSD And who `Introduced' Him to Marijuana - the amazing JR.

link -

And, above, the blog Bizarre Bigfoot attempts to make sense of the very latest findings of Bigfoot DNA in the post - Bigfoot and Sex.
Barf Stew - The Unique Entertainment You Find Nowhere Else
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  1. Thanks for linking to my blog 'BizarreBigfoot', Rick....I'm a barfster, and even purchased a couple of your kindle books.

    I think we're going to figure out this Bigfoot thing SOON!


  2. You are welcome sir - fine quality blog you have. Thanks for the kind words and definitely for the purchases.



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