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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Only The 1% Has `Recovered' From The 2008 Bank Fraudsters

Seems in the Obama recovery that ONLY the super RICH have done `better' - with incomes up 11.2% while the other 99% are earning LESS. Big surprise there, right? The FED has obviously been engaged in RETURNING the money of the super rich at everyone else's expense. Gotta love the democraps and the Obama recovery, right? (How they always are watching out for the little guy with getting those good paying jobs to return from offshore that they sent there via Clinton and the worthless republinuts.)
But, you are here for the chicks anyway - Tight Yellow Short Shorts and a sexy Cleavage Sweetie and a sexy Tent Hottie.
Once in awhile the liberal democraps have a point or two or ten:
BS Does Politics and it often is a history lesson. Is this our coming History?
But, again, you are here probably NOT for the BS politics but for the rare Jailbait Photo - admit it. Short shorts and a tight top describe this chick that likes to Flaunt Her Sexuality.
Today's intellectual post - as often is the case - belongs to Bruce Duensing - The Broadcast Medium Of Quantum Television - as BD is celebrating about a year in this new blog. Oh, here's a snippet of the link:
No such thing will ever exist in anything other than a temporal state of storage, exchange or informational fluidity. 
Speaking of intellectual blogs - Dreaming In The Void - consider this your BLOGFIND - others in the sidebar too.
Now, the final video for today will probably cause HUGE BLACK boxes to appear on Barf Stew - too hot for Google. When you see the big black boxes on this site - please support it in some manner - thanks. BS's sleazy side.
Why Not Join Second Life Today To Show Your Support For BS

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