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Saturday, February 16, 2013

What IF Meteor Bombs Became Commonplace?

As I predicted at UDCC, there was at least one additional LARGE asteroid to enter the atmosphere yesterday as it was in videos above Los Angeles - both the Russian meteorite bomb in Russia the day before - is also said to be NOT related to the near miss with the real threat 17,000 miles away in space. Trippy stuff - and interesting for the MSM to admit that boulders the size of what went off over Russia are simply undetectable. Meaning...... we could indeed enter a swarm in an unannounced fashion..... just sayin. BS of course.
Okay, your gut feel on this - do you think that in a state that more people are killed by rifles or fist fights? Well, find out here in a BS link that breaks down for you the true Weapons Of Death...... the slippery slope

decorative table                                                          real product
Entertained yet?
Tasty Treat.............. Tight Athletic Shorts
Turning to our paranormal side - 200 Million year old Human Giant Footprint or Simply An Unusual Rock? ... oh, it didn't change history or even get a buzz.

Some say that the picture above is of a human animal cross breeding - it's supposedly the second time it has happened (and I think BS covered the first mishap) - Humanized Thing - Sheep
and for a deeper appreciation of just what could be going on - One For The Transhumanist Scrapbook --- yeah, barfy. But probably very tasty?
334771_What Happens 300X250

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