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Friday, May 3, 2013

BitCoin Is Gold 2.0: Venture Capitalist

On most days, a hundred bucks will still get you one of these Bitcoins. We've been talking about them at The BS since they were 10 bucks and less. They could become worth 1000's and 1000's if the Dutch Tulip fever sets in. This CNBC link suggests the time to buy is now. .... Is the BC, BS?.... After all, if Ashton Kutcher Says It's Cool - You Hardly Want To Be The Last To Know. The BS covers the stories the MSM clearly avoids.
Need to catch up on Bitcoin? -- See The BS labels. Or, the Bitcoin Charts News
Gotta love a good BS story about Time Travel Machines
Barf Stew IS known for Time Travel connections. See the sidebar.
Big Beautiful Barfster Beauty

The BS..... on so so many levels. How about using the Facebook buttons below to share The BS?
Sexy AND Slightly Perverse - and in public yet..... The BS loves to bring the gals in their nightclub Slutwear - she will be ready..... just like this Cute Teen Ass would be. BTW, IF you like these pictures, you might want to dig into the archive for much more. Or, see the `labels' at the bottom of this column for easy categorization. 
clearly, the time has come for a new currency

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