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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Robert Anton Wilson - Don't Believe Anybody's B.S.

Let's do humpday right!

BS in this case means Belief Systems......
Can hardly go wrong with Bucky on the cover, right?
But, Barfsters depend on one type of BS, right - Bust Shots with smiling blondes...... and OOOOooooPPPPPssssss Shots ..... (challenging the slippery slope line)..... AND...... Yowser and, as always, with a smile.
You say you need a guide to `aliens'? How about a generic looking UFO blogfind called Alien Guide? You could spend a few minutes here.
The BS does `paranormal'!
The BS also does `conspiracy' such as tying together the Boston Bombing, Syria and US and Russia Relations - makes scary sense and certainly as much sense as the policies on the face of them.
The BS does Politics!
BS gives great reads........ Religious Question Science Fiction Should Answer it's a fun IO9 read.
BS anomalies? How about a Persistent Radar Anomaly? Interesting read from a bit back.
How about a final cutie gallery for the day? Gorgeous Country Fair Hippie Chick ... like the 60's never died...... and when you open this one you will almost certainly say Oh My.... and then blush a bit ..... it's humpday.... so, some More Babes and perhaps one more, right? Upskirt Sweetie. You say that you are new here? The archive has tons of stuff this good.
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