WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

May Your Day Be Filled With Fantasy

UFO Politics

Are covered big time in my new Kindle Book:
2.99 - 64 pages
possible bs UN meetings about UFO Disclosure
possible bs about psychic predictions
possible bs about MSM UFO censorship

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Accidental Deaths Per Homicide By State Chart - Why Is Wyoming So Dangerous?)

Wouldn't this graphic pretty plainly demonstrate states which have larger urban population (ie:black population)? Nonetheless, interesting: (Why is Wyoming so dangerous?)

The Glamour Of The Intentionally Poor
Living On Under 5K A Year - On Purpose
worthless media examines those choosing poverty rather than those pushed into poverty by TPTB
THE BS doesn't support the backdoor passed ACA
Occasionally, Beauty Alone Is Enough For The BS
A Candidate The BS Could Probably Support

Shades Of Gatewood Galbrith
THE BS - Retro Sexy
As Barfsters Know, THE BS does ParaNormal - And THE BS has found you a good one ... what seems to be honest attempts to film the anomalous (ghosts) and some interesting videos of Orbs Too.
The BS Gallery
Slightly Inappropriate Chan4Chan Picture
Probably A High Maintenance Ride
Sexy Tween - Ariel Winter - And A MUST SEE Enlargement
Supposedly A 1912 Protest Poster About The Coming Influence of BIG MONEY
and after one century a few are beginning to get it
In honor of Tomorrow
Did You Get Your Money Yet For Those Old Books?
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Rant About The Plunging Housing Starts

As a near daily listener to CNBC, with the assumption that they are less political than other stations, as MONEY wants `truthful' information to trade upon - the other day I was once again struck by how out of touch some of the analysts are. But, IF the Republican philosophy is full of crap... they will say it.... we all know the Democrat agenda is full of crap... and they will say it. But, that said, it is `funny' in a sad way that many of the commentators simply do not have a clue as to what is really happening in our society. Why folks are living at home, delaying relationships and kids.

Case in point... there was an analyst on talking about why the plunge in new housing starts was going to be overcome "when we get back to home creation of 2007 levels". He literally didn't KNOW that those days WILL NEVER RETURN as he lives in - most likely - a neighborhood unaffected by the Crash of 2008. Here - let me clue him in to one middle, upper middle class neighborhood (great schools for Ga) in one of the overbuilt cities (read involved in fraud) in America - Marietta Georgia...... In this neighborhood of a short street and 2 cul-de-sacs --17 homes.... FIVE went belly up eventually - all occupied by long time owners - foreclosed.... empty.... NONE had ever been empty in the past. (Three are still empty and for RENT).

These folks know that the SHRINKING white population and the knowledge that the illegals will not be buying homes (the only segment that may be growing again) - in combination with the debt load for the young generation... guarantees that for a formally middle class young adult... about the only way they will ever save 20% for a downpayment... is NEVER - and that the only way they will `own' a home (let alone a new one) is to `inherent' their parents home.

There is NO need for NEW HOMES in America and the upper class, even analysts whose job it is to know,  hasn't even figured that out yet. The BS continues.
The Private BS Is Coming
(most likely access to this blog will be via joining or subscribing to the ARCHIVE - with new posts too as a bonus - so to speak. your name will be on the private access listing after you subscribe and then join via invitation. how about some feedback? what's a fair price to be a Barfster? for one year?)

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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Puerto Rico Ponzi Bond Pyramid

Well under the radar of the worthless MSM lies what amounts to FRAUD once again by the big money players of the world. After all, the only reason that PR was `loaned' 70+ billion dollars in bonds (this is a COUNTRY of just a few million) was for the HIGH interest rates on bonds that the US Government was backing in essence. FREE BIG INTEREST for the BIG MONEY -- and now - all those bonds are tied up in other securities and are basically worth what you think the poor of PR can do with a 70 billion dollar plus bill. Thanks Worthless Politicians And Big Money Owners Of The World. Yeah, the shoe hasn't fallen - yet -  and the crap is still on the way to the fan.
The BS does the politics the MSM washes their hands of.
The BS Gallery
BS or NOT?
Non Embedible YouTube
How To Control People
waking hypnotism
Speaking of Control From Our Superiors
Alien Invasion
As you know as a Barfster - The BS takes you into the nooks and crannies of the internet - how about a strange niche blog called - War In The Steam Age or something like that. Focus on the wars in the 1800's.
Speaking of Strange Olden times
what stops traffic then
An oldie but a goodie
Today's Traffic Stopper
The BS
Data Is Beautiful
Inappropriate BS `Humor'

Yeah, More Than A Bit Sick
And Finally - one last sexy old (70's) retro shot - supposedly in France:
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BTW, I'm thinking of making the BS a `private blog' to about 50-100 folks....... it will involve money........ I hope you will consider `subscribing' when the time comes.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sexy Sunday - Looking At Breasts As Healthy As Going To The Gym

Now, the BS doesn't know if this older link to a study the showed health benefits for men who look at breasts - But Who Cares, Right?
An Additional picture from the above story for your `health'
now it's science
The BS - Unknown Stories
10 Of The Greatest Mysteries - is a fun read, stuff like D.B.Cooper, crews found dead on ships, black eyed kids, etc. Some of the stories seem to lack anything resembling proof - the bs entertains.
The BS Gallery
Having Fun On St. Pattys? Say What?
The Memories Of Yesteryear
the bs dredges up the sludge 
Another Winner?

Free Cheesecake Winner?
Today's BS Girl
Teen In Sexy Bikini
Relax - You Are Nowhere Near 10 Minutes Yet - So, Visit The Archive!
money for books you'll never read again
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ALL kinds of books - NOT just Textbooks
The BS Entertains
60's garage rock
The Sexy Sunday -  Today's BS Topper - spontaneous girl


Friday, October 25, 2013


Need Another Word Be Said?

Octoberfest To More Timeless Entertainment At The BS
shake it baby
Speaking of Timeless - Yet Another Petition To The Government To Come Clean About The Alien Presence - yepper.
Keeping With The Sexy Retro Theme
The BS Entertains
Girls, Showing It - 91 Years Ago

Must See Enlargement
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Thursday, October 24, 2013


As some barfsters may have discerned - the BS has adopted a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday publishing pattern for FULL BS posts (which publishes at 12:30 AM). On Tuesday the BS ran a poem by fringe society poet j.s. flower - and today I will opine about something. Most likely, that pattern, of opinion pieces on Tues, Thursday - will probably also be pretty standard. If you have something you'd like to see as a Tues, or Thursday posting feel free to bring it on.

Today's headline - ABSURD - was my reaction to The Today Show this morning featuring the pending release of one of the Kennedy's in jail for murder for the last decade (BTW, 27 years after the event - and at least once turned down by the Supreme Court for review) - who was released by some obviously pressured judge (what secrets does he hide) due to his attorney being totally incompetent. Yes, you read that right - a KENNEDY hired a totally incompetent group of lawyers for his defense in a MURDER case.

You believe that right?

And, yet, judge shopping or judges on the take - didn't once enter into any discussion on air.

But, typical food for the sheeple to consume.
the BS continues.

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is the BS going private?
details soon

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Could Fluoridation Of Water Be Being Used To Suppress Human Awareness?

While the data observer goes to great lengths to note that it probably isn't a direct correlation - and indeed comes out of the assumption often made by democraps that they are smarter - (ie more aware) at least about certain issues (such as gay marriage) which somehow prove their smartness (could the republinuts simply point at the lack of understanding economics as a sign that the democraps are actually stupid?) Yeah, I think you can see where this all leads -- but, it makes for an interesting read IMO - are you being manipulated by Drinking The Government Water? - Supported by some interesting maps and speculations based on those data mappings.
Today's Hottie
Is That A Condom Pastie?
Simply The Real BS

Drowning In Fake Money
gotta be a reset, right?
The BS Hottie
THE BS loves Natures Beauty Too
your new screensaver?
Night Visitor
Meanwhile, In Alaska
The BS Gallery
Please Enlarge This
Teeny Tiny Bikini
Sexy And Tight Friends
Is the BS going Private Too?

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rantability from Bainiacs to Obadrones

(from j.s. flower - July 2012)
Ship to shore
we sold the store 
to a chinaman down the ocean
float the boat with goods galore
and stuff the pig with horrormones 

A little GMO to boost the profits
while the obese kid twaddles curbside
seems like apple cart is getting an upgrade/turnover
"a modified apple will not brown when cut"
by a crafty genie-alteration, longer shelf life unreasoning...

who knows what brilliance will shine forth
from the fracking froth spewed
in this ultra bosonian field of mindless play
as the bean counters rub monsanto mitts
with satisfied investors proudly gloating
What's Your Rant?
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Monday, October 21, 2013

"The Seeds Are There To Give Rise To Independents Or A Third Party Candidates"

NOT the BS - The Highest % of Americans EVER has just been reported in a poll --- that indicated 60% would toss EVERY member of congress including their representatives. The BS is to even think the MSM would consider that it is time for a new party - after all - they DEPEND on the big bucks by the political parties.
But, convincing an electorate more interesting in BS Entertainment like the below is ... difficult.
And, if that seems strange
The BS does ParaNormal
How about one of those stories about going through a relatives old photos and finding the anomalous in the daytime sky?
The BS Entertains
you just wait
The BS does Humor
Something A Bit Different For The BS
The BS does Sexy
The BS Gallery
BS Humor
dropping the kids off
Old Time Sexy Stuff - The BS Sexy Pic You'd See In `Gas Stations' Back In Yesteryear
When Lubing Had A Different Meaning
OTHER Vintage Sexy Ladies Photographed
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come on, sell some books