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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Rant About The Plunging Housing Starts

As a near daily listener to CNBC, with the assumption that they are less political than other stations, as MONEY wants `truthful' information to trade upon - the other day I was once again struck by how out of touch some of the analysts are. But, IF the Republican philosophy is full of crap... they will say it.... we all know the Democrat agenda is full of crap... and they will say it. But, that said, it is `funny' in a sad way that many of the commentators simply do not have a clue as to what is really happening in our society. Why folks are living at home, delaying relationships and kids.

Case in point... there was an analyst on talking about why the plunge in new housing starts was going to be overcome "when we get back to home creation of 2007 levels". He literally didn't KNOW that those days WILL NEVER RETURN as he lives in - most likely - a neighborhood unaffected by the Crash of 2008. Here - let me clue him in to one middle, upper middle class neighborhood (great schools for Ga) in one of the overbuilt cities (read involved in fraud) in America - Marietta Georgia...... In this neighborhood of a short street and 2 cul-de-sacs --17 homes.... FIVE went belly up eventually - all occupied by long time owners - foreclosed.... empty.... NONE had ever been empty in the past. (Three are still empty and for RENT).

These folks know that the SHRINKING white population and the knowledge that the illegals will not be buying homes (the only segment that may be growing again) - in combination with the debt load for the young generation... guarantees that for a formally middle class young adult... about the only way they will ever save 20% for a downpayment... is NEVER - and that the only way they will `own' a home (let alone a new one) is to `inherent' their parents home.

There is NO need for NEW HOMES in America and the upper class, even analysts whose job it is to know,  hasn't even figured that out yet. The BS continues.
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