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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Puerto Rico Ponzi Bond Pyramid

Well under the radar of the worthless MSM lies what amounts to FRAUD once again by the big money players of the world. After all, the only reason that PR was `loaned' 70+ billion dollars in bonds (this is a COUNTRY of just a few million) was for the HIGH interest rates on bonds that the US Government was backing in essence. FREE BIG INTEREST for the BIG MONEY -- and now - all those bonds are tied up in other securities and are basically worth what you think the poor of PR can do with a 70 billion dollar plus bill. Thanks Worthless Politicians And Big Money Owners Of The World. Yeah, the shoe hasn't fallen - yet -  and the crap is still on the way to the fan.
The BS does the politics the MSM washes their hands of.
The BS Gallery
BS or NOT?
Non Embedible YouTube
How To Control People
waking hypnotism
Speaking of Control From Our Superiors
Alien Invasion
As you know as a Barfster - The BS takes you into the nooks and crannies of the internet - how about a strange niche blog called - War In The Steam Age or something like that. Focus on the wars in the 1800's.
Speaking of Strange Olden times
what stops traffic then
An oldie but a goodie
Today's Traffic Stopper
The BS
Data Is Beautiful
Inappropriate BS `Humor'

Yeah, More Than A Bit Sick
And Finally - one last sexy old (70's) retro shot - supposedly in France:
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BTW, I'm thinking of making the BS a `private blog' to about 50-100 folks....... it will involve money........ I hope you will consider `subscribing' when the time comes.

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