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Monday, November 11, 2013

Dry Humping Could Bring Ratings?

The BS would like to point out the the MSM - network style - really has all kinds of sleaze that they could market for titillation and ratings - such as the unwanted dry hump - seen and performed by one of Americas slippery slope entertainment industries for the young single male in general.... so, how long before the `dry hump' (DH) moves mainstream... in ads on ESPN for example? On MSNBC this would bring cries for prosecution I bet. Nice smile by the reporter....
speaking of prosectuing sleaze
The BS Sleaze Fix
I wonder if he could be identified in a lineup?
The BS Unique Humor
And this from Abu Dhabi Tougher Laws Are Needed Against Sorcery... you know, the sorcerers that say the sky will rain money.... seriously... the BS.
But Then
The BS Entertains
wait for it
David, Iggy, Lou (RIP)
I once saw IP do a live show in a skirt.

Hottie In Mini
I know the above will be hard to beat...... but, the below will do the same perhaps - except in reverse
The BS Gallery
1890 Beauty Queen
Totally Upskirt
A BS OMFG Picture
and, well below the fold

Even Better Here
BTW, Page Two Of BarfStew Is Found Here
And, finally for today - some Military Zippos
More Found Here Even


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