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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Police Declare Intentions To Ignore Pot Legalization Votes

Numerous localities in America voted to legalize marijuana for adults in the last election a week ago..... largely ignored now by the MSM as it no longer is `funny' to them -  and perhaps MUCH more interesting was the TOTAL ignoring by the MSM of the police chiefs of the various locations saying the VOTE WAS MEANINGLESS. A media that IGNORES when the government enforcers say FU to the vote and will of the people they are sworn to protect - beyond amazing, yet they always wonder why they are looked at in such low regard. Yet another example of a totally worthless mainsteam media in America.

Evidently, such BS needs to and is primed to be dealt with by legions of those same voters in a more aggressive way than the ballot box - you know - what a SHAME it would be to find (transplanted) LARGE marijuana plants on the property of the Sheriffs sister, right? Or, the plants found growing behind the police station or TV station? Or, in the garden of a judge or TV news director or two? Golly... how did THEY get caught up in those silly laws?

The police declaring that they will support what is best for them - what makes THEM important - what keeps them in a job - and the continued cozy relationship with judges and the press -- simply isn't going to be overturned by the vote of the sheeple. Oh, you did see how much the MSM covered the protests on November 5th right?..... Right.... They ignored them again. Wonder why?

Got the idea?
it's time

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