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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How Long Before `Saudi Texas' Pulls Out Of Formal USA Membership/Statehood?

As Barfsters know, the BS has covered before the desire for any number of states to pull out of the arrangement with good old Uncle Sam... (didn't we go to war to stop that?).... and indeed, IF you remember.. Texas has already once before been threatened with a `no fly zone' status by the Feds. No Fly Zone - Texas 2011... And, while this article says nothing of Texas deciding that perhaps it can spend ITS oil money wiser than Washington - and perhaps keeping that money for itself or to distribute it to its citizens (like Alaska).... YET.... the seeds are ripe IMO that the day is coming. Indeed, there would be no reason why Louisiana wouldn't join them, or Oklahoma, or others - and then `the gig' is up for grabs. The most far out idea is that part of Oil Canada and Oil Mexico would also be grabbed and merged into something new politically.

Anyway... read all about how Texas is literally ready to blow the lid off of the Oil Industry (you HAVE to see the chart at this link). Seriously and serious BS. The Barfstew about who is paying the bills is going to hit the fans soon.
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ya, inappropriate, I guess
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Seems that has revealed the results of a survery of their RICH male members in what would make the IDEAL woman.... Blonde, Blue Eyed, Slim and Aged 25-28 and they will pay plenty if you fit that bill. Expect more direct money transfer between generations and the classes to be conducted in this manner as society slips toward the slippery slope.
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