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Monday, March 24, 2014

The Return Of Barfstew

Pageview chart
Graph above of page views to The BS

I want to welcome the surging return of those to The BS as you can see from the Google Analytics above. Already 20 of you this morning had returned to the FEED - and over 100 page views the last two days (after 97 on the day of the return). The response is much appreciated... but much needs to be done to restore The BS to its proper location on the internet as the feast for male minds and eyes.

The assumption at the BS is that the ice is very thin under the publishing of this blog - as such - long time readers will probably notice slight changes.... that I hope will not amount to much or diminish your pleasure of reading. I do hope that the regular readers of this blog - the 80 of you or so - that you help to spread the word of The BS around a bit more now that the revival has occurred - literally the new lease on life. Revived from the dead and walking about as a Zombie is not an option.

So, the NEW BS will be much like the Old BS (the new boss the same as the old boss still) - a place where you can go for the raw political truth free of any bias towards either of the two worthless parties in America that is supported by a worthless media that is a mouthpiece for different branches of power within the government and advertisers. And, yes, a place you can go for EYE Candy too Check Out The Length Of This Talking Heads Skirt- without the embarrassment of looking - at females wishing to be seen. And, yes, the BS will still feature the great reads and speculation of thoughts about the anomalous and paranormal.

Violating the blogger directive of a blog with too large a focus. What the H kind of rule on bloggers is that?
Barfstew - that's what it is!
Calling it BARF when it is:

Such as the obviously old and outdated idea that ANYONE can possibly `work their way thru college' as in the days before the gutting of American minimum wage workers to the level of serfdom. The article below, well researched, along with the graph explains how the increase in college tuition (fueled by government subsidies and fraud) and the lack of a similar increase in the level of minimum wages - has made the cost of tuition impossible for a minimum wage worker compared to the recent past before the elite took their power grab.

Oh, do you EVER hear the MSM talk about this? NO NEVER.

And The Graph
Hours worked on minimum wage per MSU credit hour
MORE BS our so-called Free Media simply can't ever seem to find the time to report?

Exposing Racists And
(caution vulgar language)
over 1/2 million views in one day
about a 40-1 positive to negative public vote on YT
So, the above video supposedly shows a racist Hawaiian woman... racist you say? Against whites? For heavens sake right - aren't all Hawaiians happy with how they became a state? Oh, that's right... the point of view below is seldom mentioned at all --- after all... it's where our president grew up>
The native population at the time absolutely was not in favour in becoming a state. Hawaii became a state through a process to similar to countless other peoples who were subjugated to colonial masters, subterfuge, pretext and force.
Briefly, the Local King was overthrown by the Honolulu Rifles, a white protestant militia group, when the King refused to renew the Reciprocity Treaty. This treaty was a 'free trade' agreement and had lead to a large influx of US investment in Hawaii sugar plantations. The treaty also gave the US lands in what is now known Pearl Harbor. The treaty was unpopular with the locals, and when some of the natives had protested the taking of those lands by the US, they were suffocated by US marines.
The Militia established a pliable puppet king and also imposed racist polices including disenfranchising all Asians and imposing such onerous property and income restrictions on voting that the minority white population controlled 75% of the eligible votes.
There was a failed counter-coup to restore the Monarchy. And when the puppet king died, his successor-daughter upon ascension to the throne received petitions from about 2/3 of the Native population to restore the old order and to remove the US military presence from the islands.
The Queen was blocked in her attempts to do so by the 'Committee for Safety', and eventually she was forced to resign. At which point the Committee, with the support of the Honolulu Rifles, created the 'Provisional Government of Hawaii' led by Stanford Dole, a white guy, to negotiate the annexation of Hawaii by the US.
So yeah, not exactly a process that had the support of the majority of the native population, but I guess it did have the majority of the voting population.
Additionally, you find antagonism today, because it is perceived that that manifest injustice still has a real effect to this day. For example, the Caribbean is littered with islands where the descendants of slave masters still dominate the islands economically, and thus politically. The most extreme example is probably Bermuda, where the old families still control the best land, dominate all the major companies, marry within themselves (or wealthy white outsiders), and get insider access and can thus protect and entrench their positions. The locals get fed the lie that the past is irrelevant to their current disenfranchised positions and that if they would just world harder they too could send their children to Eton.
    Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right?
        Speaking of racists - how about this hilarity as a White Supremacist finds out his DNA makeup is
          14% Black
            Too hot for MSM, only right for absurd low rated talk shows?
              The BS
                  Exposing the BS
                    What Men Like IS The BS!
                    And, finally for today - as much BS as one can consume in one sitting....especially after a long fast:
                    Welcome Back - Spread The Word

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