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Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Return Of Sexy Sunday

Without further ado:

IF you watched the video above... you know just how brutally honest that the BS is......
THE BS Features The Heavy Stuff The MSM Would Rather Avoid - Like Heavy Mind Art:
Stick To One Subject? Never!
touch of pantie?
Real Barfstew
How 3,000 SWAT team raids in 1980 has turned into 50,000 a year..... disgusting...... for every reason from pot busts to card games to bars possibly serving someone under 21. And they wonder why Americans are as leery of the cops as the criminals? And talk about a worthless MSM constantly glorifying the whole mess.... as Barfsters know, The BS perhaps had one of the BEST anti SWAT team posts ever posted in an independent blog - the `Hey Marcel' post which lambasted ATT for glorifying the SWAT team practice. See that link in the sidebar.
The Other Point Of View
The BS Sexy Sunday Gallery
When Will Female Volleyball Go Prime Time?
The Pension BS About To Hit The Fan Yet?
Yeah, The BS Has Returned

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