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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Being The NEW John Lennon's Father - 34,000 Dollars, One Cloning Advance

Does our `advanced' science offer us all the chance to have dozens and dozens (if not hundreds to thousands) of our favorite celebrities to return to the flesh once again? An online purchased tooth of John Lennon in 2011 may indeed be the coming slippery slope for such dreams...... And, imagine how much that blue sweater of Monica Lewinsky might be worth - or any number of sweaters in Arkansas worn by our ex-presidents lady friends? Why raise some bland mixture of the one you are married to, when you could perhaps bid for a hair of George Washington? Or Marilyn Monroe.... you get the idea.
THE BS - because someone has to say it.
Raising Lennon
The BS Stimulates Your Imagination
Virtual Situations
The BS Entertains
BS does Politics
The BS
But, perhaps it is time to stop shipping our product elsewhere as American gun manufacturers seeking profit know.
Who Remembers Lennon Declaring 1969 As The Year Of Peace 
Speaking Of  Stimulating Pieces
Lord Have Mercy,Right?
The BS's ParaNormal Side

I found a UFO Website of real value in Australia - one that knows that the Orb phenomena is what represents real UFOs.
one of my 99 cents Kindle Short Reads
daring BS about 9-11
The BS - The Kind of Website You Go Back To The Beginning And Do It All Again

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