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Monday, April 21, 2014

Camera Eyes With Zoom Abilities

Now, here's a slippery slope product if there ever was one.... yeah,.. Google behind this wonder product once again.... say with the ability to Zoom And Record Upskirts With A Glance (And A Dropped Pencil) - but BS like that is a bit under the spin and scope of the article.... of course.
Spinning Down The Technology BS Slope
Speaking Of Skirts
The BS Spin - Gets Your Attention
The BS Does Politics
Have you seen any Libertarian Interviews by the MSM? (Isn't the BS spin of the MSM that folks hate our political parties?) Thought so.
Will The Disgusted Point Of View Be Tolerated?
And, obviously, the blatantly sexual pushes the bar?
(The Sears Robuck Catalog Of Today)
Keeping It Spinning
the BS Entertains
And, makes those that consume too much
Barfstew, Seconds?
Hard Crusted BS Newsbites
Gotta See This Baby, Priceless Shame CNN Material
Everyday news? Or, Bluemoon Mention?
Three Months Into Legal MSM Makes BS Judgement
Oh, Our BS Media Has Yet To Find ONE Person In Colorado Who Says A Statement Like `I Like Pot Better Than Alcohol'. Hilarious.
no wonder the endless campaign on CNBC
The Reason, As You Know, For Your Visit Today
Beyond The Touch Of A Worthless Media
(reposting the classics)
And, Finally:
Thanks for your Barferism
The sidebar Holds Treasures

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