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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Another Absurd Sex Law Being Challenged In Georgia

Today's Slippery Slope - Sex

The worthless politicians and the MSM that supports them don't really want to mess with BS like this getting attention - this time,,, `oh, do you have a doctors PRESCRIPTION for that vibrator'? (I don't remember the MSM being concerned for our freedoms when such bullshi.. is passed by the worthless politicians - oh, that's right - the MSM takes the politicians money -called ads.)  (most likely asked by someone with pimples)
Story Link - They Saved My Marriage - you know, the Freedom they supposedly are fighting for in our endless wars that the MSM glorifies. The maybe someone needs to tell those so in love with war for our freedoms. BS.
The BS does Politics
As if the below isn't Art?
Flexible Girl

Alberto Garcia Alix - The Artist (see more here)
BS Heavy Art
Beware Of Plants
a bs classic

And, It's Over
The BS Entertains
Crusted BS Bits
Libertarian Candidate Arrested For Gathering Ballot Signatures
was wearing `question authority' T-Shirt

About That Penis Graduation Prank
School pic
Kinda A Crappy Penis Compared To Other Penis Pranks - In Florida This Time
penis prank google will get you more
Huffington Post Looking For Those F'ing Space Aliens - 15 Found
Alien Sex
Earth Girls Are Easy?

Have You Heard Of The Russian Sleep Epidemic?
up to six days at a time - and, it's spreading
Without Question, The Hispanics Bring Something Extra To America

Sexy Spin
More Pics?
Sexy Cheesecake
Skirt Too Short?
The BS Gallery

Spacey Arm Gloves

More Statue Perversion
a bs classic?
Over a million have viewed the video below this week!
Huffington Post Again
Now - Go Take A Bath
For Barfsters - From Amazon

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