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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cynics at Higher Risk for Dementia? Yeah, Right

A very slippery slope indeed in this Finnish study of about 1100 folks with really dumb questions IMO to determine if you are cynical --- here's the research - Totally, IF seven cynical folks were different - the research would be worthless - but this is probably slightly significant but not suggestive of cause it was also suggested that cynical folks were less interactive with others - a known trigger too for dementia.
Are they suggesting for the cynical to protest publicly?
Speaking of Finland
Crusted BS Bits
oh, the other days Snowden posting brought the Military.Gov to the website..... the monitoring? It's amazing that the MSM hasn't been able to do their job yet......and even that they share the data
In Illinois - almost 99% Of Pot Arrests Are For Simple Possession
all supported by a cheering MSM for decades upon end
The BS Entertains
The Cowcacatchers Daughter
The BS Gallery
slippery slope

The BS Entertains

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