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Friday, July 18, 2014

Colorado Rental Car Service Technician - (BS) 24 Applications For Every Opening (BS)

Just seems like folks who are travelers to the MHC (mile HIGH city) and who enjoy the local traditions -  simply don't want to take to into the airport.... so... Rental Cars Turning Into Pot Dumping Location - applications for Rental Counter increasing too. (BS)
The BS Entertains
By now you've heard of the Huge Hole in Siberia in an area called `the end of the world' seems it's a couple years old, real, and must have been caused by an explosion. Explosions that could become More Frequent as the permafrost melts. Great pictures at the link, from Siberia itself. (more pics than you have probably seen).
Ready To Win A Bet?
Well, Barfsters know that the `want to win a bet' line is a prelude to `informing' you of a cool internet website for casino gambling - that you can do for FREE. And, then if at some point you are comfortable - you can use any of Three virtual currencies - such as Bitcoin - and literally, for real, and in 2014 - gamble anonymously and securely for real virtual currency. As you know, VC's have REAL value in dollar terms and others. A FULL bicoin right now converts into about 600 bucks as you might know. (Could go higher or lower of course.) But, the VC gambling levels are VERY LOW minimums (think cents  a bet if you wish to go small). Anyway... all that is to make sure you check out the below... oh, and I myself am now over 200 play money coins ahead. Hmm. They start you will 100 see my current total below:Win A Bet With The Above Info
As You Know, The Chance To Gamble For Free or For Virtual Currencies Is Available On This Website By Clicking The Link Below:
(or the coin in the sidebars)
What you may not know is that anonymous internet gambling has arrived - and below you can see a list of the `best' 100 internet gambling sites with virtual currencies and indeed Satoshibet.Com is on it.
And, finally, while it is EASY to look on the internet and find some who are less than thrilled with Satoshibet (mostly delays in the early days with withdrawls of large wins) - you can also find the website (someone from Satoshibet) very involved in a forum about them
The bottom line is - if you like to gamble and have an interest in trying the internet side of things - yet, like the cryptocurrency aspect of it too - then, why not try it for free first and then give it a go? SIX folks have used my top link to join already and are trying it for FREE.
now using the most popular virtual currencies
(more than bitcoin)

Play Roulette (one green zero) And More
Latest To Play?

My Thanks To The Above Players Trying Satoshibet for FREE
my current bank below - play the European Roulette with only ONE green Zero - blackjack available, others - perhaps you'll get on a roll like myself

306 Play Money

`go ahead, do it!'
Only In Dubai

THE BS Entertains
Crusted Bits Of BS
not heard about on your local news
Att `Hey Marcel' Inspired Raid Obviously
A BS story for sure
and, from Amazon

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