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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Survey Says - USA Overestimates `Self Opinion Worldwide' Nearly Universally

It's a bit of a tricky question - how is the USA viewed worldwide - NOT, how is the USA viewed by your country. It's a subtle but important difference... as the results show IMO, which countries MSM paints the most positive picture about the USA as viewed by the world. Well, 44% of USA citizens think the USA is viewed `Very Favorably' around the world..... compared to less than 5% of those in countries like Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan - one helluva difference and in countries quite important, so we say, to us and our safety. But, it's not only them who think the USA is viewed so favorably around the world.... only 4% of GERMANS think so... only 6% in Japan, 8% in Brazil..... you get the drift...    Obviously, these folks on THEIR news, is seeing the USA in a different light than one that permits 44% of Americans to THINK we are viewed VERY Favorably around the world..... To the point that perhaps our `news' that WE are FED - is The BS? Don't you think?.... And, as you see below - the only countries out of 44 countries whose citizens think we are viewed very favorably around the world... citizens who get an even more slanted view of the USA.... Kenya and Ghana and Senegal....known places for independent journalism, right?
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