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Friday, August 15, 2014

The ATT `Hey Marcel' America

APPEASEMENT..The seeming omnipotent dark force and its vagrant co conspirators which executed without scruple and benefitted from 911 – the horrendous and elaborate deception on which the vast militarized surveillance aggressor state is now built – holds the neck of the nation to the knife. An historic cowardly self interested refusal to bring the arch villains to justice for terrorism and mass murder has made complicit American lawmakers and administrators in the ongoing appeasement of this utterly odious enemy of the Nation and its minions. The naïve, frightened and confused short term self interested inaction of political leaders to unanimously exercise levers of power to bring the perpetrators and their servile accomplices to justice can only reassure the evil bastards of ultimate victory and they will not fear to use ultimate weapons to pursue and obtain it. Appeasement in the face of such heinous crimes, throwing up the nation’s hands to invite whatever oppression is to be meted out can not be an American path. Appeasement amounts to payment to a protection racket to prevent god forbid another contrived event on US soil – and in this decade the ransom has already been paid in trillions in treasure and millions in unnecessary agony and death of innocents.. The country’s leaders have given in to the blackmail and are – in permanent denial – appeasing the blackmailers. Appeasement is the hitherto unAmerican tool of weak government and fearful leadership and has no utility in the arsenal of justice and law that is the legacy of the founding fathers of the United States of America, their sons, grandsons and the loyal and loving citizenry of a great nation.
Barfsters KNOW The Militarized Police Has Been An Issue Around Here For A Long Time

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