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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Rare `Wife Zone'

This 46 year old nerd... nails it - True BS Humor:

Wife Zone Material?
The BS Gallery
Log Between Her Legs

On All Levels
when was the last time you sent a bookmark of barfstew to a friend?
Crusted Bits Of BS
Bitcoin Enters Politics (In Donations)
Do You Own Your Piece Yet? You Do Know That You Can Buy Bitcoin In Fractions Like .01, Right?
that would cost like,,,,, six bucks. Get Started Today!
Who's The Anti Pot Legalization Groups?
prison guards, police, beer companies and pharmaceuticals 
Seed Seller `Prince Of Pot' Returns To Cheers In Canada From USA
yes, the progressive USA thinks prison cells is the right response to those that flaunt the BS
Has Anonymous Issued A Warning To Those In Ferguson?
no wonder R.Williams said enough is enough
Couple Days Late On This
The Uncovered Attitude Of The Pushback

The BS Does The Dirty Politics Too
Have You Explored The BS?
Even The Ads?

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