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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is Bitcoin About To Tank Or Spike?

As of today the outcome of the latest plunge in Bitcoin prices is yet to be determined... is this the ride down to at least 85 if not 50? OR, is it a new base... a new take off point for a rally the likes which haven't been seen in over a year. How will those who stuck with it react if the price goes to 1000 again? Finally, could ANY COIN step in as the `reserve currency' (for trading and such) if Bitcoin confirmations begin to falter in any manner. And, what about that rumor of Stellar Coin and a FB giveaway?
bitcoin links for today
The Barf
The price too low and the difficulty too hard means that some... indeed up to 11% of the bitcoin mining is about to Be Paused is this the OMG moment.
The Stew
Seems that an American Wall Street firm is willing to team up with a Bitcoin trading exchange... and they see The Bitcoin Technology and not the coin as what is most threatening to the current state of affairs ... below is a quote.
"We are impressed with Buttercoin in many regards notably that it provides reliable, trustworthy and excellent trade execution, and most importantly that it has a US banking relationship. We see cryptocurrency technology as disruptive to the financial services industry as the internet was to communications."
The Winners
More bitcoin News, Views and Spews
A new President and new mining equipment point to a renewed interest in MazaCoin and the recent rise in prices should be NO surprise IF this info becomes more widespread.
More Soon
Spread The Crypto Word

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