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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Bitcoin Crash Of 2015

It's becoming a phenomena and feeding on itself.... of course Bitcoin, The Barf, The Stew and the Winners is talking about the collapse in Bitcoin prices... fueled by who knows what... some say the ROI for the miners of Bitcoin is not enough to support the coin (wouldn't that suggest the price will SPIKE HUGELY when demand returns to normal?).... others say the cashing in of all the Christmas coins... all of them might be a tipping point... some are saying that it could drop to 85... the point it took off for the sky in pricing... or  even   50.

In the meantime... the entire CryptoCurrency marketplace may need a `reserve currency' ready to pick up the slack (Paycoins perfect timing?) .... (no way right? wouldn't it be a coin with MUCH larger available coinage?) -- maybe Stellar will go to the STARS? (Moving hugely since the collapse... coins with value, real value will buck the collapse in general.) And of course, all of this could be due to Bitcoin's usage as a commodity by some in the richer element of society... which is seeing a HUGE collapse in some of their commodity holdings... so why NOT sell Bitcoin (to them)..... BTW, I BOUGHT at Coinbase today my largest purchase ever (0.12) at 186 - IMO, the bounce (to 400?) could be only days away.

CNBC Link On Today's Collapse
Barfstars Be Brave

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