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Monday, October 10, 2016

Monero's BubbleBump Over?

Crypto Links

Despite a ready market - the Monero excitement has largely ended - or has it? Monero Loses Top 5 Marketcap. And, is it possible that Monero Was Part Of An Exit Scam?
Ethereum To Power Lottery Alternative? - here's the ICO info.
And More Info directly from the ICO site.
ICONomi Raises Nearly 9 Million In ICO - this one is based on investing in crypto itself. BIG TIME IDEAS indeed.
Warnings That OneCoin May Be A Scam - buyers beware.
BITCOIN.COM Secures More Than 1% Total BTC Hashrate - more approaches to the blocksize issue.
Is A BTC Storm About To Unleash In Argentina? Regulations are easing.
Please....Check out the sidebar links.

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