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Thursday, October 20, 2016

SegWit To Soft Fork Bitcoin In November

Crypto Links

The Segregated Witness augmentation to the Bitcoin core should help in the desired scaling solution for BTC. Along the same theme - why are BTC confirmations taking so long?
Do you want three good reasons to invest in Cryptocurrencies? How about Japan - Litecoin - Diminshing Fiat Values! Seems a Japan utility is accepting BTC and giving a discount for its use; the Chinese are going for the silver coin LTC; and the Pound and other fiats decline in relation to the dollar.
With Trump calling the vote rigged - the blockchain could once again come to the rescue - For Security.
Once again....might be a good time to get in.
Need more? How about a Netflix executive saying he'd like to see BTC become the world currency....sees efficiency and cost effectiveness. 
========================= about an online platform of Doctors... that takes Bitcoin in payments for extra privacy.
And finally
Are some BTC miners trying to force the Blocksize Issue? - No wonder SWitness is about to happen too.
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