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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Is India The Canary In The Coalmine? - Is Gold Import Ban Imminent?

First it was the elimination of high value fiat bills... and lines outside of ATMS around the country... now.. rumors of a Gold ban in India leaves Bitcoin as one of the only stores of value - leading to premiums on its price. (As previously reported.) Might Bitcoin be the ultimate refuge in crazy world?

Have you been reading about the non ending (it seems) forks of Ethereum? Well... how about it forking itself Unintentionally? - sad but true.
How about the ongoing feud between Bitcoin and OneCoin as to who will be #1? - At the story you can dig deeper too.
Are more and more experts expressing the viewpoint that the Private Money of the Blockchain may compete with so-called real fiat? .....ah....yes.
How about a deep traders look at the price of Bitcoin And Ethereum? - trader talk and ETH a buy?
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Friday, November 25, 2016

The Four Phase Coinbase Secret Master Plan

A 'secret' for all to see...good read on the future of Crypto and what Coinbase intends to do about it. Looks like we are in Phase Two and about ready for the REAL big breakout. Will you be a part of the blockchain early? (Good background read too.)
Crypto Links
The real promise of the blockchain is to the TWO BILLION UNBANKED PEOPLE - which could even make their freetime valuable. A new way of thinking about labor?
I'll bet you have never heard of Liberland...the micronation? Right? (on the Danube) - Well, their national currency is Bitcoin Ya'll. Find out where other countries are moving. That said, the President of Liberland suggested that the Crypto coin DASH may be of interest too. Also... Is China about to launch their own Crypto?
Last week we cued you into the seeming Fiat problems in India and Venezuela -- resulting perhaps in BTC's price rise to the rest of the world... (including the Yuan's devaluation)...but...could another country... Italy be about to face a banking crisis?
And, finally - ya gotta love the stories by folks that should know - who say that there is still a chance that Bitcoin... Could Rise To One Million Dollars Each - why not buy some at Coinbase today... and the first time you buy 100.00 worth - they give you 10 bucks of FREE Bitcoin.... 
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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bitcoin Soft Fork Becomes Political Popularity Contest - Perhaps

In most updates I provide a `breaking' story - this really is more background than story.... but - it's new today too - Bitcoin Softfork... underlying question of course is when or if BTC will change into store of value haven and challenge the existing fiats. Read more about the SegWit Solution soft fork.
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In HUGE news - The IRS Has Issued A Summons To Coinbase to identify at least several BTC accounts that seem to suggest illegal activity that avoids IRS taxes - since most in USA if not many nations use Coinbase as their source of BTC - worrisome indeed. The story really leaves it open how large or specific the IRS request to Coinbase is...stay tuned.

First India and now Venezuela is imposing currency ATM restrictions - and the interest in Bitcoin continues to grow as fiats are seen as less reliable. Same is true for Canada - even if for different reasons than a currency collapse - indeed, BTC ATM's have come to Coffee Shops In Canada Recently.

As Bitcoin continues to rise in price - 4% Rises In One Hour are starting to occur.

As you know by simply being here and reading the links a few times a month - things are changing fast as more and more uses for the blockchain are imagined... now how about earning money for your computer's own downtime? Read About The Golem Pre-Sale. (earlier in month)

As more and more merchants understand the potential to reach the BTC market... and understand it's convertibility - more and more are accepting it for retail - Like Dozens Of Merchants In France This Week.

How about this read about ETH's situation... seems that various ETHEREUM projects may be what is Sustaining It's Real Value. Interesting.
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Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Does Zcash Mean For Ethereum?

First up is a highly speculative article about how the Zcash coin could enhance Ethereum.... Will it be a competitor or ally? The whole Zcash phenomena is still ongoing as this post is uploaded.
Crypto Links
Seems that UBER has teamed up with a debit card company to serve underbanked Latin America. Can accepting BTC be far behind?

Leave it to Redditors - seems someone offered up .01btc for EVERY comment if Trump won on one thread - and suddenly - with Hillary Clinton REJECTING BTC - Trump and btc have a strange connection (he also is buds with Tyson of course).

Did you know that India Replaced It's Currency Last Month? And it seems that all is not peachy keen.

Could Bitcoin increasingly be viewed like a Swiss Bank Account? In other words - like a Safe Asset? - And if so, what may happen to the price when the super wealthy discover that they need some?

Lots of people are in the dark as to what the IRS ruled about Bitcoin and alternative currencies in 2014 - now the treasury is asking the IRS again to look at all of the hubbub - much of it is summarized in this article.
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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Might China Impose Bitcoin Controls

Good Morning Crypto Folks - Seems that China due to their own currency problems - may impose Restrictions on Bitcoin - such as restricting exchanges in China from moving BTC out of the nation. And, while prices immediately fell (probably by pure chance and not regarding this story IMO) - to me the effect might be a limiting to a degree of the supply to the world - driving prices higher. it possible that having China be the center of Bitcoin Trading And Mining a good thing?
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the outdated system clings to power while billions live on 3 dollars a day

and the problems with having marijuana be an all cash business

continuing the relationship on the Azure Cloud

and why some are buying mining machines

one coin that could benefit is EXP (Expanse)
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