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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Are Bigfoots - Conjured Tulpas?

Greg Newkirk runs a website with lots of cool "weird" stuff - worthy of it's name Week In Weird and long time readers of mine know I've written about Tulpas before and the connection to paranormal.... but... here's a fun tale of two paranormal researchers going the extra mile with a first person story of an injured conjured Bigfoot - with a quasi real existence - materializing and vanishing - Here's a small excerpt:
Hours later, exhausted from hours of hiking and frustrated with what felt like a waste of time before a busy lecture tour, Lorraine took a break near a tree. Suddenly, her mind flashed with a mental image of a large creature, “a fusion of man and ape” with long arms and shaggy hair. Its face was like that of a caveman, but its eyes were kind and “shone with intelligence”. Lorraine knew it was Bigfoot.
Read More Here Too
Are These 5G Mystery Towers? In Cincinnati?
mystery 5g towers pop up all over cincinnati, mystery 5g towers pop up all over cincinnati video, mystery 5g towers pop up all over cincinnati pictures
The coming Barfstew Of 5G
Also In The Skies This Summer
No one injured...still looking for dummy bombs. Not BS.
It was a busy summer for Under Reported Barfstew - such as a man connected to the famous Trump Tower meeting having... nasty porn on his cellphone.... real nasty...hit the link for exact details involving minors and chickens and goats and....
Speaking of livestock - did you know that Taco Bell took over a hotel for a weekend and super fans sold out the rooms in two minutes? ...
H/O: Taco Bell hotel guest room
But you are here for the sexy pics, right?
The Archive Awaits

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