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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Where In The World Have All The Chemtrails Gone?

A couple months ago my wife said... "there doesn't seem to be as many contrails as there were"... to which I replied... "I had just started to notice it within the last couple months too". And, the next thought in my mind was...OMG... we've passed the tipping point and there is no longer any reason. That's assuming that "climate modification" was the only logical reason to try to diminish sunlight or cause cloudiness. But, easy as it started in the very early 2000''s seemingly gone... quite a bit of Barfstew to contemplate.

As readers of BS know...there are all kinds of ideas concerning the UFO phenomena... Are Demons Involved? sounds like a bit of BS...that said... makes a lot of sound points about the general positioning of other facets of the phenomena.
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Ever Hear Of Global Consciousness?
It's about a Trillion To One that it's not a real phenomena.
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